The breed
schnauzer puppy was established by establishing the Standard Schnauzer breed with other smaller breeds, such as the Affenpinscher, miniature pinscher, and even the miniature poodle. As the breeders have worked to stabilize the Genetics of the colored parties and white puppies have been removed from the programs Cité des Pages Hub / Miniature Schnauzer This was done at the end of the 1800s to early 1900s.Not all breeders/kennels owners have discriminated against these colors and have chosen to secretly reproduce little It didn't matter what people said because for them it was acceptable colors. THE Schnauzers Party are a recognized breed today and have been ever since early 1900s through AKC.
mini schnauzer They cannot participate in the conformation unfortunately because the AKC did not keep their promise of fully enroll these schnauzers as they originally said agreed to do it.
The Resurrection of the
schnauzer puppy
was almost extinct when the colors of the original Schnauzers party miniatures were found in Germany 1880.They were officially registered with the Pinscher Schnauzer of the PSK club in 1929. Unfortunately, many of the history of the Schnauzer Party race was destroyed during the Second World War in Germany. During the Third Reich in 1933, the Council of the German PSK has decided to ban all Schnauzers Gone and most were euthanized. One of the main reasons given for the prohibition was that the Schnauzers Party had the similar color of the Fox Terrier and who would be confused by the public. Another reason was that the Party would interfere with the sales of salt and pepper puppies of loyal members of the club. Unfortunately, all the Schnauzer Parties have disappeared from Germany and Europe. Some breeders continued the Party's breeding secretly to avoid being excluded from the SPK and gave these colored Schnauzers away or smuggling between them out of Germany in the hope of retaining some for future reproduction. The History of the Schnauzers Party is older than that of salt and pepper. Although the Germans PSK were determined to ban and destroy all the Parties, a few have managed to survive the Holocaust of the Schnauzer Party. Is only recently breeders picked up the 80-year gap and resurrected the almost Off. The breeders of the Schnauzers Party are always looking down with disgust by other breeders who believe and also by ignorance that Salt & Pepper, black & silver and solid black, should be the only standard colors for the Miniature Schnauzer Schnauzers Party are 100% Schnauzer and not a mix or a cross breed. While they are excluded from the exhibition ring Because of discrimination based on colour, these dogs are considered as animals purebred by the AKC and can be brands!
Liver –
Well, for starters, these colors of
schnauzer puppy don't exist in the Schnauzer Standard, from which the miniature was developed in the years 1800. The cross with poodle, miniature pinscher, Affenpinscher and others was used to reduce the size of
miniature schnauzer. This inadvertence has brought new color genes in our Mini version that did not exist in the Schnauzers previously. Here we are mainly talking about genes to the origin of the liver or chocolate Schnauzer and the colorful Schnauzer Party. So the purists have always rejected these "outlaws" colors of
miniature Schnauzer so that they can be removed from the competition in the Breeders' Show. So-and-so color bias has led to the slaughter of these colors from broodstock which makes them relatively rare today. However, dogs that display these colors can still be registered as a stock breed Schnauzer Mini and their popularity with owners of animals that feed a revival of their numbers. To increase their rarity, the gene that codes for the brown-based coloration is recessive to black-based coloration. This means that Both parents must be carriers and pass this gene on to their puppies in order to obtain this colouring. Miniature Schnauzer can be either in black base (at the black skin, nose, platelets and pigments of the hair) or brown base (with the Brown skin, nose, pads and pigmented hair. Given the many breeds that have been used to reduce the size of the average
mini schnauzer for producing the first miniatures, it is not surprising that the "non- official" have appeared in the breed. Indeed, different shades of liver or chocolate occupy an important place in the early days of the race. At least one dog from the first litter registered in the Schnauzer miniature studbook was "Gelb" - German for yellow - i.e. a dog-based brown with pale pigment deposit. "Gone" colors too often popped up in these early litters and were also recorded from a pair of black dogs belonging to the Abbagamba Kennel in Germany in 1929, then to new from a mating of two salt and pepper dogs in the United States. United. So, then they can't compete in the merry-go-round, there's nothing wrong with it with the other colors as many like to argue. They are 100% Schnauzer of the breed and can be duly registered. In addition, the Party and other colours are very "old blood", found in most of the front line's
miniature schnauzer.